Saturday, February 9, 2013

Syria : Questions that Can not be Answered?

              Syria : Questions that Can not be Answered?

It's been almost two years since the Syrian conflict started. Many countries such as the West, GCC, Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Russia, China and others have played major roles in the Syrian conflict. Iran, Russia and China always stood with the sovereignty and the independence of Syria, while others wanted NATO to invade Syria and destroy, it just like Libya is destroyed, and Alqaeda is running free in Libya. The West, GCC, and other puppets have said Alasad have no support from the Syrian people at all, which makes the individual ask questions and demand reasonable answers... 
If Alasad has no support , then, Why does the west, and GCC refuse dialogue? why do they refuse Elections under the UN monitoring? Some will say its to late, I say late better than never. If the west, gcc, and puppet opposition cared about Syrian people, they would have done anything to stop the bloodshed, at least support election and/or dialogue. Instead the west, gcc, and outside opposition support more bloodshed by encouraging fighting and killing Syrians. 

How can Alasad still be in power? If majority of Syrians rose up against Alasad, Alasad would have been gone long time ago... no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people... in addition , the Syrian Army is the Syrian people, so then why there is still an army? which will lead to these questions...

Why there is still Syrian Army? We all know that about 70% of Syrians are Sunnis (or under the Sunni category) thus that means 70% of the soldiers are Sunni, wouldn't be easy for that soldier to turn their guns against the government? Yes there are defectors, but those defectors are nothing, and most known defectors run and leave the country and now live in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Europe and etc, they play no role inside Syria.

Why doesn't NATO start a war against Syria? Turkey and other Arab countries have requested many times for an invasion and war against the people of Syria, just like in Libya, however NATO always refused? Why? Does NATO know that Alasad has the majority support? does NATO know that Alasad Army is still united? Isn't easy for NATO to just attack Syria since Syria is already at war? 

Why does F$A, outside opposition ask for foreigner fighters and foreigner support ( why do they want the west support? don't they have the people of Syria support?), if they claim that Syrians are with them? Many sources from the west and the east, provide evidence that F$A is mainly composed of Alqaeda and foreigners ( Spy chief: Dutch citizens are fighting in Syria
Terrorists from Spain and much more) terrorists from Europe, Australia, Arabs, and Turkish are fighting in Syria...

Why is there something called "outside opposition"? many claim that F$A control 70% of Syria, why doesn't the outside opposition return to that 70% controlled by them?

At the end I will say this, If the so called Syrian opposition and its masters cared about Syrian people, they would have done anything to end this bloodshed... that means ELECTIONS... Alasad leaving as a condition for a dialogue is not DEMOCRACY! Let the ballot boxes decide, if they claim that Alasad has no support, then they don't have to worry about Alasad winning, in addition the elections will be monitored by the UN Security Council ( USA, France, UK ( 3 west) Russia, and China)


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